Don’t Buy Her Flowers wanted to attract potential customers and improve sales of Mother’s Day products but also to learn how to run their own PPC campaigns in future.
So, we ran a Mother’s Day PPC campaign with a relatively limited budget and gave them the tools and guidance to manage future sales-target-busting campaigns for themselves.
The Story: Don’t Buy Her Flowers wanted to attract potential customers and improve sales of Mother’s Day products but also wanted to learn all about how to become more self-sufficient in running their own campaigns in future.
The Brief: We were asked to set up and run a PPC campaign with a relatively limited budget that would be as efficient and responsive as possible in driving sales of products in the run up to Mother’s Day.
Our Response: We created audience profiles and targeting strategies before setting up a PPC campaign that was designed to maximise the team’s budget over time, as well as generating insight into their customers and prospect audiences.
We also showed the team how to set up and optimise PPC campaigns for themselves so that they don’t have to rely on external support to get good results.
Why it Works: We took the time to understand the specific products on offer, the audience that might be interested in them, and to build a campaign that was optimised over time so that it was as efficient and successful as possible.
We also helped the team to help themselves by sharing our knowledge and expertise and carrying on our support even after the campaign had finished.
Results: The Mother’s Day campaign was very successful – increasing ROI from 5:1 to 8:1 in a very crowded market and with limited spend and setting Don’t Buy Her Flowers up for success with their future PPC campaigns.
ROI up from
5:1 to 8:1