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Effective and responsive fundraising communications and strategy.

Between us, the Bears have racked up a lot of years of experience working either directly with or for charities.*

We use that experience to create responsive communications and strategies based on a thorough understanding of your cause, needs and audience.

We work with higher education institutions on their alumni marketing and fundraising – helping to find the right motivations for former students and staff to give money, expertise or time and translating those into target-beating campaigns.

And we work with charities large and small on their fundraising programmes – whether that’s crafting a new legacy proposition and supporter journey, creating a new direct mail appeal to warm donors, acquiring new audiences via social media or designing annual reports to show the impact of a donor’s gift.

*Do we know and love fundraising? Does a bear shit in the woods?! Yes. Yes, we do.


The team at Black Bear have worked with us to maintain the essence of our mailings but have brought a fresh interpretation to the appeals which have continued to find favour with our donor base.  We have been delighted with how they have taken the varied briefs and provided engaging packages generating very positive responses and look forward to maintaining this partnership in to the future.

Miranda Litchfield, Society of the Little Flower